Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/11/2022 - 6:00 PM
Category: Technology
Type: Action
Subject: 15.25 Review and Potential Approval of Classlink Service Agreement for Single Sign-on Management, Analytics, and Implementation Support, for a Period of Three Years beginning July 1, 2022.
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Goal 1:
All students will receive a high quality education in a safe and welcoming environment with equitable and high expectations, access to technology, and instruction in the California State Standards that prepare them for college and career.
Goal 2:
High quality, culturally proficient, and responsive staff will provide engaging instruction respectful of all students' backgrounds to ensure they are college and career ready.
Goal 3:
Parents, family, and community will be informed, engaged and empowered as partners with Mt. Diablo Unified to support student learning and achievement.
Enclosure Classlink Service Agreement
Classlink Three Year Subscription Quote
Classlink Setup Quote
File Attachment:
Classlink Service Agreement - 5-4-22.pdf
ClassLink 3 year Subscription quote - 4-18-22.pdf
ClassLink Setup quote - 4-18-22.pdf
Summary: Classlink provides single-sign on management services District-wide for improved ability for staff and students to access digital tools and curriculum resources. Classlink provides a customizable access portal for student and staff access, and detailed analytics to determine return on investment for digital tools acquired by the District.
Funding: Technology and Information Systems Department: 01.0000.0000.7700.50330.000.518.018.5885
Fiscal Impact $252,572
Recommendation: Move to approve Classlink Service Agreement for single sign-on management, analytics, and implementation support, for a period of three years beginning July 1, 2022.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Robert Sidford - Director of Technology and Innovation
Signed By:
Dr. Lisa Gonzales - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Mika Arbelbide - Director of Fiscal Services
Signed By:
Elizabeth McClanahan - Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Signed By:
Cesar Alvarado - General Counsel
Signed By:
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Linda Mayo Moved, Member Cherise Khaund seconded to approve the Original motion 'Move to approve Classlink Service Agreement for single sign-on management, analytics, and implementation support, for a period of three years beginning July 1, 2022.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Linda Mayo     Yes
Debra Mason     Yes
Cherise Khaund     Yes
Erin McFerrin     Yes