Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
5/12/2021 - 6:00 PM  
12.5 Review and Potential Approval of MDUSD Board Letter of Support for A State-Funded State-wide Expansion of the Contra Costa County Healthcare Careers Pathway (Certified CNA Workforce Development) Program  
LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) Goal:
Proposed letter of support by MDUSD Board of Trustees to California Assembly, Chair, Committee on Health and Human Services, for a State-funded State-wide expansion of the Contra Costa County Healthcare Careers Pathway (Certified CNA Workforce Development) Program  
File Attachment:
MDUSD -HCP_Budget Support Letter.pdf
In 2019, Mt. Diablo Adult Education (MDAE) in collaboration with Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda Counties, Opportunity Junction and with funding support from the John Muir Community Health Fund, created a partnership for developing a Healthcare Career Pathways (HCP) program for Contra Costa County by launching a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program at MDAE in response to an assessed high demand need for qualified nursing assistants across Contra Costa County.
In 2019, a first cohort of low-income adults from across Contra Costa County were recruited. All completed their training, became state-certified and were subsequently employed as CNAs across the county same year. MDAE provided the educational training and MDAE’s community partners provided critical “wrap-around” student support services. To date, three cohorts of approximately 45 students total have successfully graduated from the program, become state-certified CNAs and are now employed as CNAs in health care facilities throughout Contra Costa County.
The HCP NA program is a “Person-Centered Care” approach to patient care in health care facilities. Embedded “wrap-around” student support services ensures student persistence and successful completion by addressing student barriers to program completion, all the while ensuring students are learning a new model of wholistic patient care (supported by research) to improve the quality of patient care and experience in any kind of health care facility.

The HCP Pathway Program has recently been recognized by the California Department of Aging under the California Health and Human Services Department as a promising model, having been recently featured as the “Caregiving That Works Local Model” in the 2021 California Master Plan for Aging.

Mt. Diablo Adult Education (MDAE) hereby requests a letter of support (proposed letter attached) by the MDUSD Board of Trustees to aid in advocating, along with other supporting organizations and entities, that the State of California fund expansion of the Healthcare Careers Pathway (HCP
Fiscal Impact:
No Fiscal Impact  
Move to approve providing the Healthcare Careers Pathway (HCP) the proposed letter of support to the Chair of the California Assembly, Committee on Health  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Vittoria Abbate - Director, College & Career and Adult Education
Signed By:  
Jennifer Sachs - Chief, Educational Services
Signed By:  
Dr. Adam Clark - Superintendent
Vote Results: